On any given day, seven to eight pastas are lovingly made by hand at Mastrantos’ pasta corner. The Godoys have constantly explored and created pastas of all shapes and colors since the restaurant’s opening in December 2018.
Even before the Mastrantos name existed, restaurant owners Mari and Xavier Godoy knew that pasta would be central to the establishment. The duo traveled and lived throughout small villages in Italy to learn first-hand from Italian nonnas how to tackle the craft.
Today, the Godoys employ what they learned in Italy and their unique cooking approaches to create a collection of pastas that’s enviable in Houston: Xavier uses his engineering past to perfect processes and recipe ounces and grams, while Mari taps into her sentimental side, working to create based on feeling. No matter what they’re making and how, their goal is to always challenge the status quo by using unexpected ingredients to make pasta
Come taste the difference!
Be informed when we schedule pasta classes, wine tasting events, or special dinners.